
Ongoing research projects from ASVNU members

Active Kidney and Urinary Research


Subclinical bacteriuria in dogs with CKD

Friendship Hospital for Animals, Washington DC | 202-567-2083 | |

Confused how to approach a positive urine culture in a dog without any clinical signs? Veterinary infectious disease experts have recommended that these dogs do not require therapy. However, diseases like chronic kidney disease (CKD) may increase the risk of ascending urinary tract infection.  Currently, data isn’t available to help guide treatment recommendations. Our goal is to change that.

We are looking to enroll dogs with CKD and a positive urine culture, who lack clinical signs of lower or upper urinary tract infection.

This study is fully funded. All dogs will receive the following at no cost to the owners:

·        Exam by internal medicine specialist

·        Recheck urine culture to confirm bacteriuria

·        Complete blood count

·        Biochemical panel

·        Urinalysis

·        Urine protein:creatinine ratio

·        Urinary tract ultrasound

·        Analysis of serum and urinary renal injury biomarkers

Dogs will not receive antibiotic therapy throughout the duration of the study unless clinical signs of infection develop.  Dogs with clinical signs of urinary tract infection at the time of enrollment will be treated with appropriate antimicrobials and not be eligible for enrollment.

All dogs will receive complimentary recheck examinations and free labwork 1, 3 and 6 months after enrollment.

Please contact the Friendship Hospital for Animals Internal Medicine Service to discuss enrolling your patient in this study.


AKC Study to characterize kidney disease in DALMATIAN dogs

The AKC has awarded a grant to the International Veterinary Renal Pathology Service (website) to better identify kidney disease observed in Dalmatians. This study allows the biopsy interpretation (light, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy) to be performed at no cost to the client. The cost for biopsy acquisition is still the client’s responsibility.

For more information: CLICK HERE

Contact the IVRPS to find a clinician closest to you that can help with collection of the kidney biopsy.

Gene therapy for anemia in feline CKD

AKC Study to characterize kidney disease in Boxer dogs

The AKC has awarded a grant to the International Veterinary Renal Pathology Service (website) to better identify kidney disease observed in boxers. This study allows the biopsy interpretation (light, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy) to be performed at no cost to the client. The cost for biopsy acquisition is still the client’s responsibility.

For more information: CLICK HERE

Contact the IVRPS to find a clinician closest to you that can help with collection of the kidney biopsy.